Comparison with other brands

See how KidsOClock GL20 fares with other popular watches.


KidsOClock GL20

Moochies Connect

Spacetalk Adventurer



Parents can save a minimum of $154 over a year and around $274 over 2 years, with tons of more features.

The above-provided information has been taken from the competitor’s website or verified 3rd party website where competitors have provided this information to the public and are true as of 18/09/2021.

*Safety Approved refers to RCM electrical safety certificate.

**Setracker is a Chinese app used by many small companies under many different brand names.

***1Gb $5.18 is based on Freedom Plan that comes with 2.5GB data per month. Available to KidsOClock customers only.

****Now you can receive and send Text messages to allowed mobile phone numbers from KidsOClock GL20.

Still can't decide? Let's make it easy for you

After months of hard work and redesigning the App framework, we have just introduced KidsOClock GL20. Let us explain what parents should be looking for When buying a watch:

Data Security

It’s a Primary Concern when buying a Kids Watch. With KidsOClock your data is safely secured on Amazon Web Servers and encrypted to make sure it is protected.

App Fee

We made sure that we keep the app totally free for a lifetime so you can save on your monthly expenses.

Average Sim Cost

At KidsOClock, the average SIM cost is just $11.95, inclusive of 1GB of data. We’ve secured specially discounted plans on the Telstra network for our valued customers. Additionally, our watches seamlessly connect to all network providers when used overseas, ensuring easy and convenient usage. For our customers outside Australia, feel free to use any network provider hassle-free.

New Features

At KidsOClock, the average SIM cost is just $11.95, inclusive of 1GB of data. We’ve secured specially discounted plans on the Telstra network for our valued customers. Additionally, our watches seamlessly connect to all network providers when used overseas, ensuring easy and convenient usage. For our customers outside Australia, feel free to use any network provider hassle-free.